

MATLAB Workshop

2008年4月14日 — To export a MATLAB movie the command movie2avi is used. >> movie2avi(MOV,'movie2.avi'); saves the movie in the file movie2.avi on the harddisk.


Image acquisition from live cell image instrument (IncuCyte®) and processed in MATLAB to acquire desired frames and export into a video format. Reuired files.

Problem with vision.VideoFileReader

I know that vipmen.avi is the default video file but I don't use that file and in any case, it's where it should be. movie2.avi is in the Path and even if I ...

How does one merge two different struct('cdata',[],'colormap ...

2015年9月20日 — I have been trying to make an movie using movie2avi() but I want to make the movie from more than one struct('cdata',[],'colormap',[]) array. My ...

Rotate 3d mesh by using videowriter (change camera angle)

2020年10月17日 — I created a 3D mesh. All vertices have their own signal value. vq_list is a matrix that contains all signal values for different time steps.

Hi guys I am trying to do animation using figure from two ...

2016年10月27日 — I am using Video writer do animation with plot inside of for-loop. The code is such that there are two separate for loop in series.

movie2avi has been removed

2018年10月26日 — Hi, I was trying to use movie2avi but it was removed in the 2016 release (I am working on 2017b) and I need some help trying to use the ...

Moo0 VideoInfo 1.10 - 查看影片進階資訊

Moo0 VideoInfo 1.10 - 查看影片進階資訊
